Projection mapping makes a splash

Rayligh4dPointCloud Media, which has experience with three-dimensional (3-D) projection mapping projects across the U.S., recently made advertising history with a proof-of-concept demonstration of the technology in a swimming pool at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel in Hawaii.

The company used its Raylight4D mapping hardware and custom content to superimpose fish, scuba divers, mermaids, dragons, aliens and other animated elements on the pool’s surface. The goal was to help establish pool projection as a new advertising and branding medium for hotels, resorts and other facilities.

“This is an effort to help bolster branding experiences,” says Jack Hattingh, CEO and co-founder of PointCloud. “The technology could promote conference vendors and upcoming events, for example, at hotels and resorts.”raylight4d_08

“Video mapping can break through marketing ‘noise’ and make lasting impressions,” says Alan Demafiles, vice-president (VP) and co-founder.

Large-scale nighttime projection mapping on buildings has become increasingly common around the world, but pools have remained ‘untouched,’ even though PointCloud suggests their fluidity, depth and reflectivity make them ideal platforms for special visual effects.

“By their very nature, pools have an innocuous, tranquil quality that makes projections seem more mesmerizing,” says Michael Mascioni, a market research consultant in the digital media industry.

Their size also means less work and expense are necessary for full coverage.

“As pools occupy a much smaller area, 3-D projection shows are easier to mount and require less resources,” says Hattingh. “Also, pools aren’t typically encumbered with the glass, sharp edges and dark lighting of buildings, which can complicate and hamper 3-D projections.”

Further, pools are not the final frontier. As projection mapping technology is scalable, it could potentially be applied to a broader range of bodies of water, including waterfalls and aquariums.

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