Avery Dennison recently named Connor William Barr of Victoria-based Coastal Car Wraps the 2016 regional wrap king for Canada. His wrap, ‘M Sport Camo,’ is now competing for the world title at the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show in Las Vegas, Nev.
Barr entered the company’s 2016 Wrap Like a King challenge with a 2015 BMW M4 wrap.
“We used the matte metallic charcoal from Avery’s supreme wrapping film series as our base,” Barr explains. “From there, we used a matte DOL 1080 overlaminate to provide a ‘satin’ look while still having the metallic flake in the wrap.”
Out of 224 entries from around the world, his was named one of eight regional winners, which went to compete at this week’s SEMA Show. The grand prize winner will be announced later today.