2016 salary survey results

SM_Nov2016.inddEvery year, we ask readers of Sign Media Canada to weigh in on their careers and the current state of the sign industry. The following are the collected results of this year’s milestone 10th annual survey, submitted anonymously, and the trends that appeared through them.

Basic Demographics
Compared to last year, the average age of participants in the survey remained similar overall, though it leaned less heavily in the range of 50 to 54 (15 per cent this year, 22 per cent last). The trend of fewer women taking part continued (19 per cent versus 23 per cent). In regional terms, after previously skewing west, this year’s survey saw nearly half of its participants based in Ontario.












Are You Experienced?
This year’s participants’ level of professional experience was similar to last year’s in terms of time spent working in the sign industry, but more have spent five-plus years with their current company, suggesting a lesser degree of turnover in recent months.

SM_Nov2016.indd SM_Nov2016.indd 


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