National Bank recently inaugurated Bleu de Bleu, an outdoor art installation it commissioned from Alain Paiement, spanning 8 km (5 mi) of Autoroute 20 leading into Montreal, between the Dorval Circle and the 1st Avenue overpass.
Entirely funded through private donations to mark Montreal’s 375th anniversary, the installation uses blue graphics and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to evoke the waters and shores of the St. Lawrence River. It took 20 workers 1,000 hours over four months to create, mount and install the piece, which will remain in place for approximately five years.
“I commend this initiative by National Bank to share a symbol of creativity with the millions of visitors who come to our city each year and with the Montrealers who use Autoroute 20 each day,” says Martin Coiteux, Quebec’s provincial minister responsible for the Montreal region.