B.C. park celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day with Hul’q’umi’num signage

Wul’aam (Echo) Park in Chemainus, B.C. now has signage in the Hul’q’umi’num language as part of National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations. Photo courtesy Municipality of North Cowichan

A park in Chemainus, B.C. now has signage in the Hul’q’umi’num language as part of National Indigenous Peoples Day.

Penelakut Tribe Elders helped unveil the new park and trail signage at Wul’aam (Echo) Park in Chemainus.

Wul’aam Park is located between the Trans-Canada Highway and Chemainus Road.

The signage, developed by students from Penelakut School and area elders, include three trailhead kiosk signs, as well as trail markers throughout the 20-ha (49.4-acre) park in both English and the Hul’q’umi’num language.

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