Wraptors eager to shift expansion into high gear

Established in 2016, Wraptors Inc. specializes in vehicle wrapping and full car customization. Photos courtesy Wraptors Inc.

Established in 2016, Wraptors Inc. specializes in vehicle wrapping and full car customization. Photos courtesy Wraptors Inc.

By Carly McHugh

It all began with a single vehicle wrap shop in Mississauga, Ont. Established in 2016, under the name “Toronto Wraptors,” the goal of the new business was to create a future for founder Stas Kravchuk’s growing family.

Since then, the company has evolved to become Wraptors Inc., a full vehicle customization empire, strengthened by Kravchuk’s keen marketing expertise. Not only has Wraptors become a household name in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), but it has also transcended national borders to offer its services in Florida and South Africa.

Sign Media Canada spoke with Kravchuk and his wife, Christel Barbie, about the philosophy behind the company, along with its recent projects and specialties, and their plans for the company going forward.

Sign Media Canada (SMC): What is the history of the shop?

Christel Barbie (CB): We started Wraptors because we got pregnant with our first son. We wanted to make sure we had a future for him, and now our twins—a business we could pass on to them. A real career.

We had our vehicle wrapped at the time, by one of our current employees, who wrapped it in his garage. Everywhere we went, everyone kept saying, “Oh, this is an amazing paint job.”

At the time, being about four months pregnant, we thought, “This has to be a really good business, because everyone’s asking us, and no one knows anything about wraps.”

We decided to give it a shot, opened our first location, and just began marketing it.

Stas Kravchuk (SK): Christel and her mother came up with the name. We had to fight hard to get it, as the Raptors basketball team wanted us to lose the trademark. Now, the business has 13 locations.

SMC: What makes your company unique?

SK: The business is unique because it’s reformed the look of the traditional garage. We’re focused on bringing a vibe, with a super-clean facility and a boutique feel. We’re also interested in working with celebrities and athletes. Our brand is centred on not just cars, but a lifestyle.

The company takes pride in its philosophy to treat all clients equally, no matter the model or value of their vehicles.

The company takes pride in its philosophy to treat all clients equally, no matter the model or value of their vehicles.

SMC: What is the lifestyle Wraptors Inc. strives to promote?

CB: Our lifestyle is entrepreneurship, being able to have your own business, and not necessarily having to go to school for 15 years to be successful. You can have taste and have fun, enjoy life without judgement, and just work hard.

SMC: How large are your facilities?

SK: Our head office in Mississauga is 929 m2 (10,000 sf), and our office in Miami is 557.4 m2 (6,000 sf).

SMC: What type of projects does your shop primarily work on? 

CB: Vehicle wrapping and full car customization. We do paint protection film (PPF), ceramic coating, powder coating rims, painting calipers, personal company decals, and commercial wraps. We also do full vehicle builds, including body kits and car audio. Pretty much anything you want done with your car, we offer it, at all our locations.

One thing we’re proud of at Wraptors is we treat the Honda Civic clients the exact same as we treat the Lamborghini clients. A vehicle represents something you worked hard for, so it’s important we treat it like your prized possession, no matter the value.

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