Bracebridge, Ont., implements measures against unauthorized signs

A panoramic view of one of the streets in Bracebridge.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the regulations outlined in the by-law before installing any signage to avoid potential penalties and removal. Photo courtesy the Town of Bracebridge

Bracebridge, Ont., officials have recently taken steps to address unauthorized signage within the town. During a routine review, the Town’s Property Standards Officer removed 150 signs over two days found to be non-compliant with the local Sign By-law. These signs, located in urban areas on trees, poles, and road allowances, were identified for various violations including improper placement and size discrepancies.

The Sign By-law, which applies across the municipality, aims to maintain clear sightlines for pedestrians and motorists, manage sign clutter, and ensure fairness among sign permit holders. It covers a variety of sign types and requires permits for most signage activities, including those for contractors, charities, events, and elections.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the regulations outlined in the by-law before installing any signage to avoid potential penalties and removal. This effort not only enhances visual appeal, but also supports effective roadside maintenance practices.

For more information on permit requirements and compliance, residents can visit or contact the Building Services Branch at

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