Toronto-based CBS Outdoor Canada has announced a January 2013 launch for three digital billboards, all of which represent conversions of the company’s existing static boards, in Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto.
With the announcement, the company follows the example of its U.S. division, as well as its two biggest competitors in the Canadian out-of-home (OOH) advertising industry, Pattison Outdoor and Astral Out-Of-Home, which have already converted some of their static billboards to digital.
“There’s an advantage sometimes in not coming in first, in that you know where everyone else is,” Michele Erskine, CBS Outdoor Canada’s marketing director, tells Marketing Magazine. “It’s also great to learn from any problems they may have encountered and had to overcome.”
The three boards, all installed along high-traffic roadways, are expected to go live before the end of January. Each sign can feature up to six advertisers’ digital spots, at 10 seconds each.