UV-LEDs used in screenprinting for first time

LED UV Screen Press

Photo courtesy Nazdar

Following three years of research and development (R&D), Empire Screen Printing has reportedly become the first company in the world to use ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diode (LED) ink-curing technology in a screenprinting environment.

The print provider, based in Onalaska, Wisc., worked in close co-operation with several industry partners, including ink manufacturer Nazdar, UV-LED curing system developer Phoseon Technology and screen equipment supplier Kammann. The resulting screen press conversion will apparently provide a three-year return on investment (ROI) by saving energy and reducing the need for bulb and reflector replacement and disposal. And by eliminating ozone emissions and mercury from lamps, it is environmentally friendlier than other screenprinters.

“The result of this collaboration is a milestone in the future of screenprinting,” says Phil McGugan, Nazdar’s global vice-president (VP) of sales and marketing. “LED technology is key to increasing productivity, reducing costs and decreasing environmental impact all in one stroke.”