A new DAWN for Pearson Airport

DAWN image

DAWN image 2 As the kiosks are double-sided, the wayfinding application is oriented differently for each side, maintaining a forward perspective based on the user’s position within the airport. Photos courtesy GTAA

“The numerous consultations with stakeholders are why this process took so long,” says Pulla. “We wanted to get everything right.”

Gridcast continues to monitor and manage DAWN to ensure consistent uptime and quick technical support when needed. And Jibestream meets with GTAA and other stakeholders on a regular basis, as the airport tenant data is constantly being refreshed.

“The project has evolved with ongoing updates,” says Wiegand. “We continue to post new rich media, such as ads for gift-wrapping that were introduced just before Christmas.”

The dynamic nature of the medium is expected to save money for GTAA in comparison to reprinting static materials.

“For us, wayfinding is a matter of continual improvement,” says Pulla, “and we always have new tenants coming on board. We still have static maps that we keep updated, but digital content can be changed overnight.”

The NovoMap system tracks and reports trends in how the kiosks are being used, providing valuable insight the airport. This data includes which types of information are being searched for most frequently.

The kiosks’ capabilities can also evolve. They have been equipped with cameras that are not yet in use, but can enable ‘virtual concierge’ services, whereby a user could speak live to an operator, face-to-face.

“This has been done before with other clients and has been indicated by GTAA as a priority for the future,” says Wiegand. “The platform can be integrated with a wide variety of applications and technologies.”

In such ways, digital expertise can help GTAA reach new objectives and improve the wayfinding experience for passengers throughout the airport.

With files from Jibestream. For more information, visit www.jibestream.com.