A real-time approach to ad campaigns

Data-driven campaigns also allow marketers to change ad information, such as sports scores, in real time.

Data-driven campaigns also allow marketers to change ad information, such as sports scores, in real time.

SMC: How does weather-based targeting add value to an advertising campaign?

SM: The value continues to be driven through the opportunity to provide that contextual relevance to the audience. Since OOH ads are seen across screens in the physical world, local weather conditions can really impact a campaign. When the conditions are right, weather-based targeting can drastically increase the effectiveness of the campaign by placing or gauging contextual relevance in front of the right audiences and at the right times.

If we think of how we use data in the OOH space, it’s generally about serving the right ad, at the right time, to the right person. If we take that value approach to marketers and give them the opportunity to utilize what the automation has done in the space—what the value continues to provide—we can start to help marketers get to the forefront of reaching those audiences with that contextually relevant opportunity.

For example, RainX used weather triggers to look at an increase in extreme weather events across Canada. When drivers needed to be equipped with the proper windshield washer fluid, we were able to help them provide that messaging to their audience, in terms of being able to see clearer and feel safer on the road,
no matter what the conditions were. From there, they were able to provide the right messaging which actually spoke to their audience, based on those weather conditions.

After we ran the campaign, we did a brand list study to help the client better understand, not only did we use the right type of data approach to get their messaging to their consumers, but also what their consumers were feeling in terms of brand favourability, where they ranked among their competitors, and whether the campaign was successful. Ultimately, we saw about a 37 per cent increase in consideration, and about a 34 per cent increase in intent, which is a pretty relevant type of messaging, especially for OOH and given the type of product.

Weather triggers are an important part for a lot of different brands, in terms of how they think about the creative messaging they’re putting forward to their clients, as well as the context. It also reinforces the power and the value we’re able to assist our marketers and partners with, in terms of providing them with the opportunity to use data. We know data helps reach audiences more effectively at that right time and that right place, and if we can tweak that to make it even more contextually relevant for a particular audience, that message association is hopefully going to help continue to bring a powerful message for them.

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