American Permalight’s substrates contest offering prizes upto $2500 in value

American Permalight is holding a contest to see how people are using its photoluminescent substrates to make creative glow-in-the-dark art, signs, safety products, and other projects.

American Permalight is holding a contest to see how people are using its photoluminescent substrates to make creative glow-in-the-dark art, signs, safety products, and other projects.

American Permalight is holding a contest to see how people are using its photoluminescent substrates to make creative glow-in-the-dark art, signs, safety products, and other projects.

Prizes for this competition range in value from $350-$2500 and include online marketing opportunities from the company’s recently launched professional services.

The contest is open to Canadian residents and companies. Participants must be 18 years and older to enter the contest. They must take clear photos of their project (at least one photo in light and one in the dark showing the glow), include a paragraph about their project, and submit their contact details.

All entries should be sent to by January 31, 2021.

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