Canadian content shines at DSE Apex Awards

by all | 23 March 2015 8:54 am

GroupeVivaFridge[1]Canadian companies and projects were among those honoured when the sixth annual Digital Signage Expo (DSE) Apex Content Awards were announced earlier this month in Las Vegas, Nev., sponsored by the Digital Signage Federation (DSF), Samsung and Peerless-AV.

The awards spanned 11 categories. In ‘retail,’ for example, Groupe Viva in Boisbriand, Que., won bronze for its Molson Coors Vented Can content, which was showcased on a transparent liquid crystal display (LCD) in convenience stores and bars across Quebec (example pictured). Groupe Viva also took bronze in the ‘multi-platform’ category for its own corporate offices’ branding campaign.

Convergent Media Systems won silver in the ‘business, industry and government’ category for a spot created for Manulife, while the bronze award in the same category honoured Montreal-based X2O Media’s corporate communications platform for Lockheed Martin’s Velocity News Network (VNN). Under ‘professional and personal services,’ a campaign by Edmonton-based Servus Credit Union won silver.

Montreal-based Christie Three Sixty—formerly Arsenal Media—was the biggest winner, taking gold in ‘event venues’ for projection mapping the Sergerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa, Calif., and silver in ‘education and health care’ for a two-zone Gemological Institute of America (GIA) lobby display in New York, N.Y. The digital version of Christie’s ‘Book of Transformations,’ showcasing projection mapping around the world, won gold in the multi-platform category.

  1. [Image]:

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