Canadian OOH continues to shine at Obies

by all | 5 May 2016 8:15 am

coronaSeveral Canadian out-of-home (OOH) ad campaigns were among those honoured last month when the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) held its 74th annual Obie Awards ceremony.

Toronto-based agency Zulu Alpha Kilo won a silver award in the international category with its ‘calm’ series of billboards for Corona Extra Canada (pictured, top). This campaign was developed to respond to commuters’ stress of always being connected to technology.

Leo Burnett Toronto, meanwhile, was named a finalist in the same category for two of its recent OOH campaigns for long-term clients—Ikea Canada and Raising the Roof—that had previously earned gold and silver Obies. The newest Ikea billboards and transit shelter ads (pictured, bottom) encouraged furniture shoppers to ‘explore the great indoors,’ while high-profile posters for Raising the Roof (a) promoted toque sales to raise funds for the homeless and (b) featured ‘mean tweets’ about and responses from homeless people to help dispel misconception and to bring a human face to important societal issues.

“Congratulations to all of the winners for demonstrating how OOH advertising can effectively communicate with consumers,” says Rosanne Caron, president of the Out-of-Home Marketing Association of Canada (OMAC) and a member of Sign Media Canada’s editorial advisory board (EAB).


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