Digital Signage: Why cloud-based software matters

The digital signage industry has spawned many software options—some offered at a price, others for free—that provide easy content management functionality and can make everything from standard-resolution computer monitors to plasma screens to large-format liquid crystal displays (LCDs) look attractive.

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Regulatory Issues: The need for sign permits

In the past, many signs were installed in Canada without proper permits in place. Today, this situation has changed, as municipal governments are increasingly cracking down on these illegal signs, issuing violation notices and fines to the organizations behind them.

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Illumination: Edmonton’s Neon Sign Museum

The Neon Sign Museum opened in Edmonton on February 21, 2014. The first of its kind anywhere in Canada, this open-air museum showcases a collection of historic neon signs along the façade of a Telus utility building on the southwest corner of 104 Street and 104 Avenue.

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Digital Signage: Taking messaging outdoors

Outdoor digital signage systems are not very common yet in North America, but they are currently 
all the rage in Europe, as the technology has matured enough that they can be deployed in all sorts of environmental conditions and connect with wireless communications networks.

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