Sign’s argyle pattern a fun gateway to Halifax district

There is something doubly noteworthy in the heart of the Halifax, N.S., entertainment district. Not only do Argyle Street and Grafton have the distinction of housing Atlantic Canada’s first shared streets, but they are also home to unique free-standing gateway signs that demarcate their major entrances.

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The Golden Eagle takes flight

Chilliwack, British Columbia, has a surprisingly rich aviation history. Many long-term residents have fond memories of a yellow Fairchild-Cornell airplane that sat on the roof of Brett’s Garage for 26 years from 1951 to 1977.

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New avenues for revenue surfacing for graphics providers

Ongoing market changes and new developments in material science have forever changed the technology landscape. Many new avenues for revenue are surfacing as graphics providers look to take advantage of innovations and leverage existing investments.

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Creating the most cohesive package for your clients

Every company wants to be able to say they got the most bang for their buck when it comes to investing in advertising. Proof of placement (POP) is one way companies can look at tangible evidence that shows them they have gotten what they have paid for.

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Helping clients choose the best vehicle wrap

As the economy begins to right itself, demand for vehicle wraps—both personal and commercial—has never been stronger. Offering more design and finish options than a paint job, vinyl wrap has overtaken the market as the favoured medium for corporate advertising.

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Elevated Signs: Born in the pandemic, ready for the boom

Terence Davis, owner of Brantford, Ont.-based Elevated Signs, is a confident man, and backed by a team of skilled professionals, he decided to forge ahead this past March with the launch of his business, despite being in the clutches of a global pandemic.

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Helping clients choose the best vehicle wrap

Offering more design and finish options than a paint job, vinyl wrap is overtaking the market as the favoured medium for corporate advertising. In addition, vehicle wraps provide consumers with an affordable way to show off their personal brand, or simply change the colour of their vehicle.

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