Digital billboard greets Windsor-Detroit Tunnel travellers

WindsorSuperboardPattison Outdoor Advertising has installed a 3 x 10.7-m (10 x 35-ft) ‘digital spectacular’ billboard in Windsor, Ont., at the cross-border tunnel to Detroit, Mich. It replaces five 3 x 6-m (10 x 20-ft) posters that were in place since 2006.

Marking Pattison’s first exterior digital out-of-home (DOOH) sign in Windsor, the installation is located at the entry point from Detroit to Windsor and the exit point from Windsor to Detroit. The 85-year-old tunnel is a key artery that connects millions of travellers to cross-border shopping, sporting events and entertainment venues.

“Following several months of planning and negotiations, we were delighted when council unanimously approved our application to install this structure at the tunnel,” says Sid Catalano, Pattison’s director of legislation. “With travel wait times as long as 45 minutes during peak hours, this is a very strategic location for advertisers.”

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