The bottom line: capitalizing on the opportunity

The method used to apply the graphics is determined by costs, scheduling, design/quality factors, and the printing process that will be used.
Fuelled by the ongoing success of multi-pass devices and the more recent introduction of single-pass machines, the corrugated market continues to grow. Prices are coming down even as the technologies continue to improve, so brand owners and print shops have more options than ever before. Some might choose to handle their package printing in-house, while others will be turning to sign/graphics companies and outsourcing these capabilities.
In addition to providing protection for the contents inside, today’s brand owners and retailers understand packaging is a great way to connect with a prospective customer at the point of purchase. The proliferation of digital technology is expanding the possibilities even more, opening the door to cost-effective personalization, customization, enhanced colour capabilities, and variable data. Further, savvy marketers are implementing value-added features (e.g. customized shapes/sizes, flexible formats, easy-tear strips) as well as high-quality printing to expand and differentiate their offerings. In many cases, brand owners will change their packaging more frequently than they change the products inside. Digital inkjet facilitates short-run production, enabling brand owners to create packages that look fresh, relevant, and appealing in the eyes of consumers—even if the products they contain have been around for generations.
This article is based on a white paper the authors prepared for the International Sign Association (ISA). For more information, visit
Eve Padula is a senior research analyst for Keypoint Intelligence—InfoTrends’ business development strategies, customer communications, and wide-format consulting services. Her responsibilities include the promotion and distribution of InfoTrends’ content, assisting in building business development programs, handling data analysis, and managing the editing cycle for many deliverables.
Steve Urmano is the director of InfoTrends’ wide-format printing consulting service. He develops InfoTrends’ annual global market forecasts for hardware and supplies used in the wide-format printing markets. He is responsible for conducting annual research studies in the wide-format market both on a custom basis and as part of InfoTrends’ syndicated research.