Digital signs celebrate Earth Day

by all | 30 April 2013 9:52 am

Earth Day[1]

Photo courtesy Pattison Onestop

To celebrate Earth Day, Pattison Onestop’s network of digital signs in Canadian shopping centres recently displayed a series of 10 award-winning drawings by young people. The works were showcased as part of Pattison’s ongoing Art in Transit series.

The drawings were all winning entries in the Toronto Dominion (TD) Friends of the Environment Foundation’s (FEF’s) and Earth Day Canada’s second annual art contest. Grand-prize winner Emily-Alexandra Sarabia-Tellez, for example, drew a cardinal perched on a tree branch against a fall sky.

Also, immediately after Earth Day, Pattison kicked off the second annual National Youth Arts Week with ‘Pop-up Gallery: Retail Revolution,’ a series of 20 jury-selected artwork submissions from young people.

Art in Transit debuted on digital signage in 42 shopping malls on in January 2013 with curated ‘spots’ that are screened every five minutes. It will continue until January 2014.

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