Digital storefront celebrates Mazda’s 50th anniversary in Canada

Pattison Outdoor and its digital and interactive department, Fourthwall, partnered with ad agency J. Walter Thompson to develop a new digital storefront exclusively to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Mazda Canada.

The 2.4 x 4.2-m (93 x 165-in.) video wall, located within a busy retail concourse at downtown Toronto’s Royal Bank Plaza, displays full-motion video and illustrations by automotive artist Guy Allen. Fans can tap-to-purchase limited-edition posters of Allen’s art, using a terminal installed to the right of the screen. They are issued receipts with a unique code and website Uniform Resource Locator (URL), where they can then input their mailing address for shipping.

The interactive screen was launched on Feb. 7, ahead of the Canadian International AutoShow, and is part of a larger four-week out-of-home (OOH) campaign.

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