Durst reorganization welcomes new leadership, management

Durst’s new dual leadership will be formed by experienced managers, Andrea Riccardi (left) and Christian Harder.

Durst’s new dual leadership will be formed by experienced managers, Andrea Riccardi (left) and Christian Harder.

Durst is expanding its high-revenue large-format printing segment with a new leadership.

With the introduction of the company’s new large-format printing technology and the future development of hybrid printing systems, the historically grown structure will be dissolved in favour of better efficiency in the daily dealings with Durst customers and the business unit will be controlled from the Durst headquarters in Brixen. Previously, the segment was divided into the areas of web-fed printing in Brixen, Italy and flatbed printing at the company’s production site in Lienz, Austria.

“The reorganization in the large-format printing segment brings together the building blocks we set in 2017 with the introduction of the P5 technology platform, the expansion of the Lienz and Brixen customer centres and the new headquarters in Brixen,” says Durst Group’s CEO, Christoph Gamper. “The new dual leadership has my fullest confidence and the best prerequisites for further developing the segment and consolidating our position as market leader.”

The new dual leadership will be formed by experienced Durst managers, Christian Harder and Andrea Riccardi. Both have been with the company for more than 20 years and have helped shape the evolutionary stages of Durst inkjet technology in all its facets. As the new global sales director, Christian Harder has cross-segment know-how and has been responsible for successful worldwide sales management for ceramics printing in recent years. Prior to this, he was responsible for sales in Eastern Europe and Latin America. Riccardi, as the new head of product management, worked for many years in direct sales in this sector and since the end of 2016 has been responsible for the product portfolio in large-format printing web printing and the further development in soft signage/fabrics printing.

“By concentrating the management function in the group, we are also paving the way for optimal networking and integration with the relevant areas in development, software, and services,” says Gamper. “The Lienz location will also benefit from the cross-segment technology transfer.”

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