FastSigns recognizes top outside sales reps

Adam_KrasnaySign shop franchisor FastSigns International recently recognized its top-performing outside sales professionals, including five in Canada, during its annual Outside Sales Summit at the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) Hall of Fame in Charlotte, N.C.

Adam Krasnay (pictured, left) of the chain’s Toronto East franchise received the Silver Sales Award from FastSigns CEO Catherine Monson (right). He was among only 12 professionals around the world to achieve silver-level sales of $500,000 to $699,999 between July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015.

Recognizing sales between $300,000 and $499,999 during the same period, Bronze Sales Awards were given to Julie Cecconi of Burlington, Ont., Andy Chamberlain of Edmonton West, Jared Lowry of Winnipeg and Roman Marijosius of Mississauga and Oakville, Ont.

“We recently achieved a new milestone of $400 million in system-wide sales for the first time in our 30-year history,” says Monson. “This is due in large part to the determination of our franchisees’ local sales teams.”

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