Councillors have voted in favour of setting up signs at six sites in the city of Hamilton, indicating they are ‘problematic’ and provide Indigenous history, following the landmarks and monuments, including the statue of John A. Macdonald.
Educational and informative signage has been given the green light by Hamilton City Council that will see signs erected at ‘problematic’ sites in the city.
According to CBC news, the emergency and community services committee received a report calling for the city to build relationships with local Indigenous communities based on trust and respect, hire an Indigenous community liaison and curator, and prioritize gathering spaces for Indigenous community members.
It also suggested setting up a sign at five “high priority sites,” stating the city is aware they’re “problematic and educates the public about the need for further consultation.”
According to the news report, the six locations include the Ryerson Recreation Centre, two sites of monuments to United Empire Loyalists on Main Street East and Dundurn Park, the Stoney Creek site of an Augustus Jones monument, and two spots in Gore Park—the site of a statue of Queen Victoria and where the statue of John A. Macdonald stood before it was hauled down last summer.