International Sign Association’s expo sets attendance record

A record-breaking 20,600 were in attendance at this year’s ISA expo. Companies and individuals were able to attend workshops and booths to further hone their expertise in sign, graphics, print, and visual communications.

A record-breaking 20,600 were in attendance at this year’s ISA expo. Companies and individuals were able to attend workshops and booths to further hone their expertise in sign, graphics, print, and visual communications.

The International Sign Association (ISA) 2019 International Sign Expo, held in Las Vegas, Nev., closed with a record-breaking attendance of 20,600.

This surpasses the previous mark set in 2017. The 21832.2-m2 (235,000-sf) show floor presented new products ranging from printers to software.

Exhibitors reported increased attendee traffic and purchases of new equipment, with many selling all of the products they had on display.

In addition, pre-conference workshops which focused on key learning areas and business expansion ideas were popular with attendees. Sessions were well-attended, with company packages increasing by 150 per cent over the 2017 event.

This year’s series of workshops were also a big draw. They included:

  • The Women Leading the Industry (WLI) networking breakfast which drew a capacity crowd. This will be an ongoing initiative.
  • The Sign Code Success event by the Sign Research Foundation that had more than 50 planners in attendance. This session provided an opportunity to learn more about signs, graphics, and visual communications.
  • The Cross Disciplinary Program (XDP), now in its seventh year at ISA Sign Expo, exceeded 300 participants. More than 35 designers, buyers, and architects learned how to foster creative sign projects.
  • The co-location of Xplor19, Signarama, and APTech attracted additional segments of the industry to the show.

Attendees could also explore opportunities in textiles, holographic signs, artificial intelligence (AI), and virtual reality (VR) on the show floor.

“ISA International Sign Expo 2019 unites the sign, graphics, print, and visual communications companies and provides ways they can grow their new products and ideas,” said ISA’s president and CEO Lori Anderson. “Powerful connections were made, products were purchased, and insights gained. I can’t wait to see what attendees come up with as a result of attending this event.”

Building on the excitement, ISA announced plans to co-locate with Impressions Expo (formerly Imprinted Sportswear Shows) in 2020 at the Orange Convention Center in Orlando, Fla.

According to show organizers, the ability to explore opportunities in textiles and signage created excitement on the expo floor. After the announcement, several exhibitors made plans to expand their booths for 2020. More co-locations for Expo 2020 will be announced in the coming months.

Starting April 1, 2020, ISA will hold pre-conference workshops. Registration will open this fall at



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