LED systems for channel letters

The low maintenance requirements of LEDs make them particularly beneficial when installing signs in hard-to-reach locations.

The low maintenance requirements of LEDs make them particularly beneficial when installing signs in hard-to-reach locations.

Supplies and demand
Most sign shops today are using readily available, off-the-shelf 12-V direct-current (DC) electronic power supplies with strings of encapsulated LED modules that offer little distinction or added value above others. In many cases, the only point of distinction is the shape of the modules.

A number of these 12-V DC systems have experienced a massive power supply failure at some point during their tenure. Also, their day-to-day performance has been inconsistent, with well-documented difficulties standing up to the harsh conditions where signs are often installed. One of most frequent additional service costs over the life of these signs involves the replacement of power supplies.

Specifically, the 12-V DC power supplies’ capacitors do not stand up over time in harsh conditions relating to heat and cold. This often leads to failures. Also, DC systems are highly susceptible to corrosion, which can lead to LED failures.

These performance issues relate to the trend of starting with the off-the-shelf power supplies and then designing the system from there out to the LEDs. Instead, the design process should start with the LEDs and then work back to the power supplies, while also giving due consideration to any harsh conditions under which 12-V DC systems would not be the preferred choice.

Another option for illuminating channel letters with LEDs is ‘halo lighting.’

Another option for illuminating channel letters with LEDs is ‘halo lighting.’

Some industry professionals refer to these power supplies as a standard, but they actually came directly from the telecommunications industry and were never specifically developed to drive LED-based signage in difficult environments.

Also, with most LEDs being overdriven at 12 V DC, the extra energy is being wasted, meaning additional costs over time for the customer operating the sign.

Taking the right path
Compared to a few years ago, when signmakers started to demand more information about the LEDs in the systems they procured, too many professionals are now installing inexpensive products with no questions asked. This approach will mean a step back to the days of neon, when service costs were higher because maintenance and repairs were needed more frequently.

Great opportunities will continue to exist in a challenging market. Signmakers who take time to identify the right LED products will provide superior performance to their customers, while offering the best value over the life of their signs. As a result, these signmakers will be well-positioned to succeed over the long haul, rather than racing to zero.

Carey Burkett is president of Lumificient, which supplies LED-based illumination for the sign industry. For more information, visit www.lumificient.com.

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