Letting the sun shine in

The film was installed on the inner surface of the windows, as the area sees a high level of pedestrian traffic, posing the risk of vandalism.

“The project took one day for production and one afternoon for installation,” says Wilkins. “Now it has been up for about a year and is still looking great.”

During that time, the window graphics have also helped land new work for Optic.

“With Begrand Fast being an interior design company, they now refer their customers to us for various projects,” Wilkins explains. “We work together to wow their customers!”

At night, the window graphics are illuminated from inside, for a warmer appearance than during the day.

At night, the window graphics are illuminated from inside, for a warmer appearance than during the day.

Investing in the environment
Earlier this year, Optic won the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce’s Green Innovator of the Year Award, recognizing its efforts—including latex printing—to reduce the impact of its operations on the natural environment.

“The judging committee noted we were willing to purchase a latex printer when the technology was still considered a very risky investment,” Wilkins says. “We are trying to make the business as clean as we can. Customers often comment, when entering our facility, the air does not smell like any other sign shop they have been in. Further, we recycle as much material as possible, are sponsors of the BC Sustainable Energy Association (BCSEA) and are working toward being certified carbon-neutral by Vancouver-based Climate Smart.”

Megan Kranzler is graphic design co-ordinator for Oracal, which manufactures calendered pressure-sensitive films for signage, vehicle graphics and related applications. For more information, visit www.oracal.com.

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