Kingston Police have begun to roll out a new, more modern wrap design for their cruisers and other fleet vehicles. Photo courtesy Kingston Police
Kingston Police have begun to roll out a new, more modern wrap design for their cruisers and other fleet vehicles.
The improved design focuses on a simpler and bolder black-on-white combination, to maximize visibility on the city’s roadways. It is also intended to improve safety for the users of these vehicles.
Further, court services vehicles used by special constables will be clearly identifiable with “Court Services” displayed on the side, rather than the standard “Police” lettering.
The new design will be rolled out through natural attrition, with the graphics changing as vehicles are replaced at their end-of-service life. This transition is anticipated to take a few years to roll out across the entire fleet.
“Our patrol members came forward with an idea and the organization listened,” says Chief Scott Fraser. “The new look will modernize our fleet and offer increased visibility which will lead to improved safety.”
The first cruisers bearing the new design are set to be deployed in the coming days.