Our readers’ submissions arrived from across the country, our judges reviewed hundreds of eligible entries and their scores were tallied. Now, Sign Media Canada proudly showcases the winners of its 11th annual National Sign Competition.
This year’s competition attracted many projects of very high calibre, representing the best of the best from all corners of the Canadian sign industry. With final scores proving close, all of the entrants deserve congratulations for the superb quality of their work. So, once again, we are including the runners-up in this special showcase.
The judges had to consider each entry’s merits in terms of originality, creativity, appearance and design suitability. Together, they selected winners in nine categories, with the entry earning the highest overall score also honoured as best in show. That top award’s winner will receive a free trip to the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association’s (SGIA’s) Expo in New Orleans, La., this October.
So, without further ado, here are this year’s winners and runners-up!