New N.L. highway signage aims to reduce distracted driving

The government of Newfoundland and Labrador has installed new highway signs throughout the province to remind motorists of the dangers of distracted driving. Photo courtesy Newfoundland and Labrador

The government of Newfoundland and Labrador has installed new highway signs throughout the province to remind motorists of the dangers of distracted driving. Photo courtesy Newfoundland and Labrador

The government of Newfoundland and Labrador has installed highway signs throughout the province to remind motorists of the dangers of distracted driving.

One of the leading causes of collisions, injuries, and deaths on Canada’s roads and highways, some examples of distracted driving include using a cellphone, texting, programming a global positioning system (GPS), using a vehicle’s dashboard touchscreen, eating or drinking, personal grooming, interacting with pets, and adjusting the radio.

The provincial government has imposed stronger penalties under the Highway Traffic Act. The maximum fine for driving without due care and attention is $1,300. The maximum penalties for driving without due care and attention, causing bodily harm or death, is imprisonment for up to two years, suspension of a driver’s licence for five years, and a $26,000 fine.

The signs are intended to stress the importance of being completely attentive behind the wheel, as even the smallest distraction could have dangerous consequences.

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