New report illuminates future of HB-LEDs

by all | 4 April 2013 8:30 am

Photo courtesy Barco[1]

Photo courtesy Barco

Worldwide use of high-brightness (HB) light-emitting diode (LED) driver integrated circuits (IC) in signs and other applications is forecast to grow at 27 per cent per year, according to a new market review by ElectroniCast Consultants.

The market research consultancy reports the total global consumption value of HB-LED driver ICs reached $1.79 billion in 2012 and forecasts it will grow at an average annual rate of 27 per cent over the subsequent seven years, reaching $9.59 billion in 2019. For the purpose of the study, the company defines HB-LEDs as component-level bulbs (i.e. packaged LEDs) with a luminous efficacy rating of 30 lumens per watt (lm/W).

The market forecast data in ElectroniCast’s study and report refer to consumption for each particular calendar year; the data is not cumulative. All of the values and prices in the report have been calculated at ‘as shipped’ factory levels in current dollars, including the effect of a predicted annual inflation rate of five per cent over the forecast period.

Despite the innovative technological advances and energy-saving measures behind the significant rate of expected market growth, however, ElectroniCast also reports the LED industry faces challenges in overcoming performance and price limitations and in attracting widespread consumption beyond the sign industry and other specialty markets.

HB-LED driver IC global consumption, market forecast (value basis in millions of dollars). Chart courtesy ElectroniCast Consultants[2]

HB-LED driver IC global consumption, market forecast (value basis in millions of dollars). Chart courtesy ElectroniCast Consultants

While the use of HB-LED driver ICs is increasing in general lighting, for example, the study suggests this increase has been initially driven by government-based lighting retrofit projects before reaching most commercial and business interests and, eventually, the consumer market.

Overall, ElectroniCast suggests HB-LEDs face difficulties in creative definitive positions in the illumination market where competing lighting technologies are readily available and generally well-accepted. While these products do not inherently limit the potential success of LEDs, the report says they will continue to create some challenges.

The market forecast report is available now. For more information, contact Theresa Hosking in marketing and sales via e-mail at[3]

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