POP Displays: The value of dynamic illumination in lightboxes

Lightboxes should complement a store’s existing lighting.
Photo courtesy Spare Parts

Light intensity is measured in lumens per square foot or lumens per square metre. Lightboxes vary significantly in intensity, as there are no general industry standards, so it
is important to test products to see how they mix with ambient illumination.

Not all LEDs are created equal. There are many variables, such as the spacing between each lamp, the lighting angles of the lenses and overall quality.

One of the main reasons it is important to source high-quality, long-lasting LEDs is related to intensity. Over time, LEDs lose their intensity, become dimmer and grow warmer in terms of colour temperature. Signmakers should be sure to ask vendors about the expected useful lifespan of their products (e.g. 50,000 hours).

Another aspect of lightboxes that needs to be assessed is the quality of their frame. When the frame is combined with the LEDs and the printed graphics, it is a good idea to check if there is any loss of light around the perimeter or, for that matter, in the centre of the graphics. Well-designed frames will not suffer any light loss.

Creating new effects
Today, fabric lightbox systems have been designed to address all of these issues. They are available built to size with custom lighting systems and frames, so as to best suit a given retailer’s environment and branding characteristics. In turn, signmakers have a new opportunity to go out in the field and create exciting and inspiring effects.

Adam Mitchell is marketing manager for The Look Company (TLC) in Barrie, Ont., which specializes in display design and integration for retail and other industries. For more information, contact him via e-mail at amitchell@thelookcompany.com.


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