Profile: Westwind Design Group

Westwind partnered with Brookfield Residential to promote Livingston, a housing development north of Calgary’s Stoney Trail expressway.

Pop-up graphics
Another recent project involved a partnership with Brookfield Residential to promote its newest master-planned housing development, Livingston, which is north of Calgary’s Stoney Trail expressway.

As part of the project, Westwind built a promotional 3 x 4.6-m (10 x 15-ft) pop-up booth with signage and interactive digital displays, which ran a custom digital app. In this case, the VG-540 was used to print a full set of wall and floor graphics, specifically designed to draw visitors in.

“In keeping with Livingston’s brand identity, we tried to create a space that was inclusive and fun and attracted people,” says Pearse. “It was so successful, we hit our client’s three-month traffic target for the project in only three weeks. They were extremely happy.”

Taking on new challenges
Currently, Westwind is designing and installing window and wall graphics for a stormwater filtration system exhibit at an interpretive centre in Okotoks, Alta. The 83.6-m2 (900-sf) space will include 3 x 5.2-m (10 x 17-ft) windows covered in vinyl graphics.

At the same time, the company is also developing retail environments for a popular local clothing store and for a sunglasses store. As Pearse puts it, the team doesn’t shy away from new challenges.

“The most important thing for us is to design interesting things and make them work,” he says. “The capabilities of our printer help make so many of our creative projects possible.”

Ginny Mumm is a freelance consultant for digital inkjet printer/cutter vendor Roland DGA. For more information, visit and

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