Pulp and paper veteran brings Finnish cartonboards to North America

by all | 25 August 2016 8:51 am

michaelwalshPankaboard, which produces uncoated carton-based substrates in Finland for point-of-purchase (POP) displays and other visual communications applications, has appointed Michael Walsh to lead its new North American sales office.

Walsh previously worked for the North American offices of Stora Enso, a pulp and paper manufacturer also headquartered in Finland. He has extensive experience with and knowledge of cartonboard products and related logistics.

Pankaboard’s new office—its fifth outside its home country—opened earlier this month in Stamford, Conn., and will facilitate service and sales to both existing and prospective customers across North America.

Source URL: https://www.signmedia.ca/pulp-and-paper-veteran-brings-finnish-cartonboards-to-north-america/