Registration for WOO Global Congress now open

Registration is open for the World Out of Home Organization’s (WOO) in-person Global Congress to be held in Toronto on May 25-27. The Congress will be held at the Sheraton Toronto Centre Hotel, 123 Queen St. W.

An international speaker program which includes decision-makers from out of home, the wider global advertising industry, analysts, and commentators, is lined up. An enlarged exhibition program will feature new developments in technology and measurement, with the opportunity for exhibitors to meet media owners face-to-face.

Congress will be open with its customary program of pre-dinner drinks on Wednesday, May 25, full-day Congress on Thursday, May 26, followed by dinner and awards presentations, and a further full-day Congress on Friday, May 27. On the Friday night there will be WOO’s informal closing party, with cuisine and live performances.

As registration opens, WOO is offering an early bird congress rate, available until March 4 of €1000 for members and €1750 for non-members.

“This will be a red-letter event for the whole Out of Home industry as we meet our friends and colleagues from across the world in person for the first time since 2019,” said WOO president Tom Goddard.

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