Restoring lustre to the Hershey Centre

Before and after
The roughly two-week job ended up taking place in September 2011. During the first week of that month, the original letters were taken down and transported to Zip’s shop. After the acrylic faces of the aluminum letters were cleaned, the signs were retrofitted by fully populating the letters with high-performance red LED modules. Finally, the signs were reinstalled at the Hershey Centre during the third week of September.

The letters were cleaned at Zip Signs’ shop in Burlington, Ont., and repopulated with LEDs.

The letters were cleaned at Zip Signs’ shop in Burlington, Ont., and repopulated with LEDs.

This process resulted in greater light output than with the original neon, but with only a fraction of the energy consumption compared to the initial system. This meant the city would not only reap the satisfaction from making an effort to become more efficient and sustainable, but also find value created by massive energy savings on a yearly basis, along with significant reductions in maintenance and service costs.

Originally, the channel letters’ red neon tubes were powered by 22 neon transformers, each using roughly 450 W. The total consumption of 9,900 W was, by way of example, enough energy to power nearly 200 computers. When retrofitting the letters, on the other hand, Onland and Zip needed nearly 2,500 LED modules and 54 power supplies, each consuming merely 60 W.

So, by using more efficient modules and power supplies, the Hershey Centre letters now draw only 3,240 W from the power grid, marking a reduction of 6,660 W. This represents savings of 67 per cent compared to the previous configuration.

Forecast savings
Assuming the letters are illuminated for an average of 10 hours per day, the retrofit will add up to savings of 24,309 kWh per year. At an estimated average power rate of 10 cents per kWh, this means the Hershey Centre will save $2,430.90 per year compared to running the old neon signage.

The façade’s overhang is a difficult location to reach, so it would be extremely costly to bring in a team to service this portion of the sign on a regular basis.

The façade’s overhang is a difficult location to reach, so it would be extremely costly to bring in a team to service this portion of the sign on a regular basis.

As mentioned, there are also service savings. The LED modules that were installed in this project, along with many other types available today, carry a warranty for 50,000 hours of use. This equates to about five years of hassle-free sign lighting.

There will be no need during that period to switch out the lamps, replace the ballasts or perform any other maintenance. The switch to LEDs can thus yield substantial savings in terms of service calls, compared to neon and fluorescent lighting systems that carry, on average, warranties of 10,000 to 20,000 hours.

In particular, when a sign is installed in difficult locations to reach, such as the Hershey Centre façade’s overhang, it can be extremely costly to bring in a service team and enable access to the electrical system. In any location that requires a crane, for example, even the simplest neon refurbishment or bulb changes can end up costing hundreds of dollars.

Further, LEDs are much less susceptible than other light sources to fading over time due to factors like aging and external weather conditions. The rarefied neon and other gases used in neon signs are known to ‘break down’ over time, leaving hot spots and blotches in their sign faces.

It is also common with older neon signs to experience a ‘wait period’ after they are turned on, while the gases mix in the tubes. LEDs provide more consistent illumination with the advantage of immediate on/off cycling, eliminating downtime.

Another advantage of LEDs in harsh outdoor conditions is their component fabrication actually makes them shine more brightly in colder temperatures. They run efficiently throughout the temperature range of -30 to 85 C (F), so they are suitable for all varying climates across Canada.

Aaron Bennink is director of design and marketing for Zip Signs, which recently marked its 40th anniversary in Burlington, Ont. For more information, visit