Sign, graphics and visual communications companies are well-positioned to reap the benefits of general economic growth, according to the International Sign Association’s (ISA’s) latest quarterly report.
The report, sponsored by the National Association of Sign Supply Distributors (NASSD) and compiled by market research firms IHS and Vandiver and Associates, covers the second quarter (Q2) of 2017 and forecasts into 2019. It assesses several sign industry segments, including printed (example pictured), electrical, digital and architectural signage, and addresses supplier markets, end markets and commodities.
Overall trends seem positive for the sign industry, especially on the supply side. The market for architectural signage is expected to continue capitalizing on favourable conditions through at least the end of 2018. And for suppliers to the printing, digital and electric segments, the outlook has become stronger following a ‘down’ year in 2016.
Suppliers to digital and electronic signage can expect significant upticks in business in 2017 and 2018. The end market for electric and digital signs shows a strong outlook through 2018 before slowing in 2019, while still remaining well above historical trends.
The full report is available at