Self-piercing grommets and washers enable smaller sign and banner shops to scale production, improve productivity, and ultimately increase their profit margins.
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Sign Media Canada spoke with Futech’s owner Jack Lo about the company, recent projects, and the shop’s future.
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LG Business Solutions USA released a new 3454 mm (136 in.) all-in-one DVLED display (model LAEC) combining a 1080p screen, on-board webOS controller, and built-in speakers to offer immediate operation. The display is shipped in an aluminum flight case on wheels, so delivery and movement on site are quick. The display arrives partially constructed, with…
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Learning how to customize and configure a computer numerical control (CNC) router for the first time can be a time-consuming and confusing process. It is important one conducts the proper research to become familiarized with all things CNC-related. When one is all set to go, the following five tips for successful CNC routing should be considered.
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The overall medium of digital signage can be thought of as an ‘ecosystem,’ with multiple key elements that interact with each other, from hardware and connectivity to software and content. It is important from the start to identify these elements and make a detailed plan, so as to avoid making the following common mistakes that can cost time and money.
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Digital signage can be found almost everywhere today. According to research by ElectroniCast Consultants, the value of the worldwide digital signage display market—including all associated hardware, software and application-specific services—reached US$17.6 billion in 2016.
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Digital signage is growing in tandem with technological advances and changes in communication styles and processes. For those new to the medium, however, decision-making can prove quite overwhelming.
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Over the past few years, the light-emitting diode (LED) digital signage sector has seen vast change. Fundamental shifts
in LEDs, software and hardware have forced manufacturers to adapt quickly, particularly in the face of innovations in competitive technologies.
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Typically, when someone thinks about reducing costs within a business or operation, the first options that come to mind are reducing capital costs or cutting back on labour. While these actions may initially bear some savings, they can also lead to unforeseen negative issues.
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