Nearly every client the author’s company meets with asks the inevitable question, “What will my return on investment (ROI) be?”
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The decision to purchase a computer numerical control (CNC) router can be extremely difficult for some small to medium-sized businesses. On one end, this high-tech equipment offers a sign shop the ability to broaden its capabilities by reducing the time it takes to complete projects, and adapting to future production needs. On the other, companies have to weigh a number of factors when calculating the return on investment (ROI) to ensure it justifies the purchase.
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Achieving good colour and a spot colour’s reliability and consistency is easier than many people think. That said, there are various practical measures one can take that will affect the bottom line directly.
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Before organizations dedicate funds to the design, rollout and maintenance of digital signage networks, it is very important for them to understand how to accurately measure their return on investment (ROI).
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Over the last few years, media analysts have been talking a lot about the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) and ‘big data.’ One may well wonder what these terms mean and how they will affect the way the sign industry does business.
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Today, digital signage is often the first way a business introduces itself to the public. The medium provides a compelling means by which to identify a brand to both potential and existing customers. As such, it can leave a strong—or weak—first impression.
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Challenges facing the retail sector have never been greater. Bricks-and-mortar stores compete not just with each other, but also with online commerce. A store is still the ideal facility for meeting shoppers’ needs, so long as retailers can respond to the shifting landscape, including rapidly changing consumer attitudes and behaviours.
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The large-format sign and display graphics sector continues to grow and represents a significant portion of today’s marketing mix. According to InfoTrends, the retail value of large-format graphics increased by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.9 per cent from 2010 to 2015.
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