Tag Archives: Signs

Rules of attraction: An introduction to magnetic substrates

By Richard Romano Those looking for a high-value print and/or sign application to offer customers, one that enables endless creativity and yet can simplify and expedite installation, especially that of retail graphics, should try magnetic materials. The ability to apply printed graphics to a magnetic-backed material is nothing new, as perhaps a glance at one’s…

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Maximum Signs finds road to success

By Courtney Bachar Maximum Signs was established in 1990, under the name Scugog Signs, in a small garage in Blackstock, Ont. The owner, Ron Haslam, was the only employee at the time, doing all the designing and manufacturing of the signs. It was, and still is, a family-owned and operated business. The company quickly outgrew…

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Online signage company rebrands with new name, website

Lettering.com has changed its website from DoItYourselfLettering.com to Lettering.com and changed its company name. Lettering.com will continue to offer the vinyl lettering services that have made the company a success ever since Founder Brad Handy first began the business in 2007, cutting letters in his garage. “We decided it was time for a new name…

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Hellman’s promoting food campaigns on garbage trucks

The City of Peterborough is partnering up with Hellmann’s Canada to launch an out-of-home (OOH) campaign and turning half of the city’s waste collection vehicles into mobile advertisements.  On average, 58 per cent of the food produced in Canada ends up being thrown away. The trucks carry a creative message from Hellmann’s suggesting these trucks…

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Wilson Station transformed by new mural ‘Daily Migration’

Daily Migration, a new 1301 m2 (1400 sf) mural by internationally-recognized artist, Shalak Attack, and STEPS Public Art has transformed Wilson Station in Toronto into a cultural space for more than 17,000 daily visitors. Canadian-Chilean artist Shalak Attack’s new mural shows the stories of migration shared by community members during multidisciplinary arts workshops facilitated over…

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