Tag Archives: Wayfinding

New signage for Oak Ridges Moraine trail released

The Greenbelt Foundation has unveiled 45 new trailhead and wayfinding signs on Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) land in the Oak Ridges Moraine. All 45 installed signs convey the TRCA property or location, illustrate the Oak Ridges Moraine trail, and highlight the trail’s location within the Greenbelt. TRCA is the largest public lands holder…

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Wilson Station transformed by new mural ‘Daily Migration’

Daily Migration, a new 1301 m2 (1400 sf) mural by internationally-recognized artist, Shalak Attack, and STEPS Public Art has transformed Wilson Station in Toronto into a cultural space for more than 17,000 daily visitors. Canadian-Chilean artist Shalak Attack’s new mural shows the stories of migration shared by community members during multidisciplinary arts workshops facilitated over…

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Going beyond static wayfinding

Wayfinding has evolved quite dramatically with the overall adoption of digital signage and the evolution of inter-activity for an enhanced user experience. In turn, indoor mapping technologies have greatly advanced how wayfinding is affecting numerous verticals. Accessibility in daily life is crucial, and using digital signage for wayfinding has assisted many.

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Establishing clear routes

Industry professionals tend to consider signage as the key to a successful wayfinding program. While this author certainly does not dispute this point, those involved in the design of these types of projects are also required to give a great deal of attention to the human experience.

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