Technology diversity fuels growth of video wall market

Planar_DirectLight_Public_Venue_EnvironmentGlobal sales of video walls topped $3.4 billion U.S. in 2015 and will see double-digit growth through 2020, according to the latest report from Futuresource Consulting, which has monitored the market since 2003.

One force behind this growth, the company points out, is the diversification of video wall technologies. Well-established products like super-narrow-bezel (SNB) liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and rear-projection ‘cubes’ (RPCs) for tiled displays continue to penetrate the digital signage market, along with emerging, disruptive technologies like narrow-pixel-pitch (NPP) light-emitting diode (LED) displays.

“Much of the growth in the video wall market has been driven by SNB LCDs, with RPCs remaining remarkably resilient,” says Chris Mcintyre-Brown, Futuresource’s associate director of displays and broadcast equipment. “NPP LED video walls had a fantastic year, reaching $678 million U.S. in 2015, representing three times the value reported in 2014. This growth is driven by falling average sales prices (ASPs) for all pixel pitches.”

Sales of RPCs increased one per cent in 2015 versus 2014, while those of SNB LCD-based video walls (example pictured) grew by 21 per cent. Both are expected to gain further market share in control room applications, where near-zero bezels are highly desirable, while NPP LED video walls have enjoyed significant success in the corporate, exhibition and broadcasting vertical markets.

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