TTC pillar wraps ring in Stranger Things

StrangerThingsPattison Outdoor is promoting the new TV series Stranger Things with Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) subway station pillar wraps featuring telephones that ring every three minutes with frightening messages for passersby.

The printed graphics and custom phones were designed by Fourth Wall Media, Pattison’s in-house ad agency, to reference the Netflix show’s 1980s setting and style. The out-of-home (OOH) campaign, spanning Don Mills, Downsview, Bay, Spadina and Finch stations, promoted Stranger Things’ July 15 launch and will continue through this week.

“A telephone many people grew up with in the ’80s might seem basic and pedestrian, but actually required a lot of technology to get operational on a pillar wrap,” says Dmitri Melamed, Fourth Wall’s vice-president (VP) of production. “We needed to ensure the industrial-grade receivers were up-and-running quickly and could communicate properly with our computers and without power for extended periods.”

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