Using the force of 3D printing at Comic-Con

This X-Wing Fighter wheelchair costume was created with materials donated by Massivit 3D Printing Technologies and printed on the company’s 1800 3D printer.

Last month’s Comic-Con International in San Diego saw the first of its kind in an X-Wing Fighter wheelchair costume, which was created for 13-year-old Star Wars fan Vedant Singhania using 3D printing technology.

The project was the brain-child of non-profit organization Magic Wheelchair. It was created with materials donated by Massivit 3D Printing Technologies and printed on the company’s 1800 3D printer. The project was a collaboration of Pixologic (design and modelling); Dangling Carrot Creative (3D printed costume); and Monster City Studios (assembly and finish).

To bring the 2.44-m high, 3-m long (8 x 10 ft) design to life, Dangling Carrot produced 50 individual costume pieces in just over two weeks.

“We are constantly discovering new and exciting applications achievable with our 3D printing equipment for the entertainment market,” said Avner Israeli, CEO of Massivit 3D. “This project has been an extraordinary opportunity to test the true value of our technology.”

Check out the video below, courtesy Massivit 3D.

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