Mimaki releases printer for UV-curable inks

jv400suvMimaki’s JV400SUV printer uses a new ink that combines the flexibility of solvent-based inks and the durability of ultraviolet-curable (UV-curable) inks.

During the printing process, a solvent compound is absorbed into the ink-receiving layer of the media, with the pigments settling in. Then the printed graphics are cured with a special UV light for a smooth, high-gloss finish that simulates a coating. The UV curing also helps ensure scratch-resistant, weather-resistant graphics.

The JV400SUV can reportedly print four-colour—cyan, magenta, yellow and key/black (CMYK)—graphics at up to 18 m2 (193 sf) per hour in draft mode. Once finished, the prints are dry and ready for post-processing, with no outgassing time needed before lamination.

Contact: Mimaki, www.mimakiusa.com

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