Pricing the work

Richart points out most vehicle wrap shop owners consider the cost of media, laminate, and ink when pricing, and some even add in labour.
In Richart’s experience, many wrap businesses are, unfortunately, operating in the red. “Many people get into this business with a pool of talent and passion for graphics,” he said. “The fact is, you can have the best printers, installers, and facility, but if you aren’t pricing well, you won’t make a profit.”
Richart points out most vehicle wrap shop owners consider the cost of media, laminate, and ink when pricing, and some even add in labour. But they do not typically include the back-office, operational costs of running their business, such as cellphones, internet, health and shop insurance, and mortgage or rent payments. “If you don’t combine all this into one, you’re underestimating the true costs of running your business,” said Richart. “And, while it may sound obvious, these costs need to be included in your pricing.”
Finding one’s niche
“There will always be someone offering a wrap at a cheaper price,” says Richart. “In today’s more saturated marketplace, it’s important to differentiate yourself. The cheapest price will attract some clients, but you can still compete for the rest.”
Richart and Fowler have found a way to make their company stand out from the rest—by focusing on the quality of their work. Digital EFX Wraps creates 2D and 3D designs featuring drop shadows, bevels, and glows to make their graphics come to life. They use specialized digital printers and cutters to provide the best quality graphics.
“A lot of vehicle wraps look stunning from a distance, but the true measure of a wrap is in its print quality and what it looks like up close,” said Richart.
When approached with a project, he informs the client upfront the job will not involve low-quality wraps; hence it may not be cheap. But he also takes the time to ensure the customer is aware of the differences between ‘seamless’ and ‘tiled’ wraps, as well as the different levels of printing quality available. Digital EFX Wraps also offers its clients
a warranty.