Wide-format Graphics: Vehicle wraps from design to installation

The customer may also have expectations with regard to the interior of the vehicle. In the vast majority of cases, a colour change film is simply wrapped to the exterior and tucked slightly into the doors, but some clients will request a full wrap inside and out.

“Then your price has to double, as you need more material and it takes at least twice as long to install,” says Pate.


Under certain circumstances, it is possible to print graphics on colour-change restyling films. Photo courtesy Arlon Graphics

In any case, Daize recommends a lift to raise the vehicle and separate stands to hold the doors and bumpers while they are individually wrapped. Climate control is especially crucial to prevent dust and debris from getting behind the vinyl.

“The tools are different from the sign trade,” says Daize. “An infrared (IR) heater is needed for heating the entire panels of film, for example, rather than a heat gun or torch. Colour change films are complicated and layered, so if you overheat or overstretch them, you’ll get a shift in the colour from which you can never recover. Too much heat can also ‘gloss out’ a matte film. The ideal temperature for moving vinyl is between 32 and 38 C (90 and 100 F) and an IR heater can accomplish that without making the installer too hot.”

The IR heater is also important for post-installation heating, which helps the vinyl to ‘relax’ and set into place. Daize recommends post-heating at 42 to 53 C (108 to 127 F).

“With IR, you can post-heat consistently and walk away for a while, rather than have to stand there with your heat gun,” he says. “It’s slower, but it’s the best way to heat the vinyl evenly.”

Despite all of this time-consuming work, colour changes can yield repeat business from car enthusiasts.

“Wrapping exotic cars requires precision, but customers who are keen about restyling will want to change it out again after one or two years,” says Daize. “And after they choose a colour, you can upsell them on accent features.”

Another market, as mentioned with regard to commercial graphics, is fleets.

“There are applications in cargo vans, taxis, security trucks and delivery vans,” says Daize. “In terms of leasing and sales, there’s a cost advantage for them to use colour change films instead of repainting, as restyling reduces the value of the vehicles by less.”

With files from Roland DGA, SGIA, PDAA, JMR Graphics, Justin Pate, The Wrap Institute, Mactac and Arlon Graphics. For more information, visit www.rolanddga.com, www.sgia.org, www.pdaa.com, www.jmrgraphics.com, www.justinpate.net, www.wrapinstitute.com, www.mactac.com and www.wrapitright.com.

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