Winner announced in ‘wrap battle’

by all | 9 January 2012 11:36 am

Wrap Battle 1080

Image courtesy 3M

Craig Stratton in Mount Pearl, N.L., is the Canadian winner of a free roll of vehicle-wrapping film in brushed black metallic, the latest colour and finish to be introduced by 3M Commercial Graphics.

Stratton’s prize was announced after more than 500 ‘Wrap Battle 1080’ participants voted online for their preferred colour/finish combination. Brushed black metallic won the vote by an overwhelming margin over eight other contenders. 3M announced it would be made available this month.

“This contest allowed us to communicate directly with users of our products and we are thrilled with their response,” says Doug Blackwell, a commercial graphics business development manager for 3M.

Besides Stratton, Evan Cahn of La Habra, Calif., was the U.S. winner and will also receive a free roll of the new product

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