Wrap Like a King returns at expanded scale

by all | 22 July 2016 8:15 am

psychohurricaneAvery Dennison Graphic Solutions has launched its fourth annual Wrap Like a King Challenge. With this year’s addition of Australia and New Zealand, the vehicle-wrapping competition has become even more global than before, open to participants in 44 countries.

Installers across Canada, the U.S., Europe and Australasia can submit commercial graphic or colour-change wraps through September 30. They will be evaluated against their regional peers by a panel of expert judges for prize packages worth a total of $25,000 U.S.  Among eight regional winners, the overall ‘best in show’ champion (last year’s pictured) will be crowned at the automotive industry’s Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show this November in Las Vegas, Nev.

For official rules, prize details and other information, visit www.wraplikeaking.com[1].

  1. www.wraplikeaking.com: http://www.wraplikeaking.com

Source URL: https://www.signmedia.ca/wrap-like-a-king-returns-at-expanded-scale/